Custom Software

If you can dream it, we can build it.

With the power of web browsers we create almost any type of software you can imagine. Whether it be a large scale Software as a Service platform with multiple tenants, or a small utility to assist your organization. Our dedicated team of top engineers and coders behind you…means there are no limits.

Progressive Web Applications

With the new availability of highly integrated and dynamic features within web browsers, it is now possible to create powerful software with direct delivery through a domain. No need to use an app store or a specific type of device, the increase in use of PWAs has major upsides:

  • Discoverability through search engines, making them more easily accessible.
  • Designed to load quickly and respond to user input promptly, providing a smooth user experience.
  • Capability to work offline or with a low quality network, allowing users to access the application even when they don’t have a good internet connection.
  • Installed on a user’s home screen with just a few clicks, without the need to go through an app store.
  • Can run on any device that has a modern web browser, making them compatible with a wide range of platforms and devices.
  • We develop and deploy at a lower cost than traditional native mobile applications.
  • Updates are automatic, ensuring that users always have the latest version of the application.
  • We can even send push notifications to users, allowing them to stay engaged with the application even when they’re not using it.
  • Accessible to users with disabilities or those using assistive technologies.
  • Can be tracked through web analytics tools providing insights on user behavior and usage patterns.

Software as a Service

Creating powerful custom web based services is one of our specialties, and we deliver at the highest levels. No SaaS product can be successful without the ability to scale at large volume, by utilizing stateless applications. Stateless applications separate out the architecture into subsets that can be maintained and horizontally scaled. In contrast to a typical single web server application, which is forced to scale vertically – the only way to increase scale is to increase that server power. Horizontally scaling architecture instead adds power by adding more servers.

Some examples of SaaS applications that we build include email and calendar software, healthcare management systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and project management tools. We manage the infrastructure, scalability, and security of the software, allowing our clients to focus on their core business operations.


Featured work.

Custom Software in our portfolio.

The Tree


Wedding Sites & Services


